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Old 05-11-2007, 03:01 AM
mason55 mason55 is offline
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Default Re: Poll: Should US leagues use a European league system?

Would be way harder to get done here. First you'd have to do away with salary caps. You'd have to totally restructure the draft. Travel would be a big issue (remember that England is the size of Virginia). You'd have to get rid of the minor league affiliations, otherwise you'd just have teams colluding to stay at the stop league.

Also, it would have an effect on college sports.

If you read about the history of sports, you'll understand a little why relegation and promotion caught on in Europe but not the US or Australia. Basically, when the National League for baseball was formed, they gave the owners exclusive control over a territory so that the owners would be sure to have enough fans and money to support the required amount of travel in the US.

So yeah, promotion and relegation would be neat, but I'm not sure it could ever work in North America.
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