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Old 05-10-2007, 11:58 PM
Rearden Rearden is offline
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Default Re: Weight-Loss Routine

When do you run? (time of day?)

--The best time to run is in the morning on an empty stomach to burn the most fat. However, take in a small amount of protein or amino acids before cardio workouts (30 min before) to prevent muscle breakdown, otherwise your body will be forced to turn to muscles as well as fat for fuel. With some protein you spare the muscles.

--The next best time to run is after a workout...not before. (Doesn't mean you shouldn't run for a few min before just to loosen up.)

[/ QUOTE ]

OP's Running strategy and intensity is going to matter before his timing does.

- Running post workout could be bad news. Even lazy jogging for long periods increases cortisol, your body starts breaking itself down, etc. Combined with the impact of an intense (which hopefully OP will be doing) weight training workout immediately beforehand...I would say no dice.

-I think intensity in cardio is key. I think we all see plenty of overweight people who walk on treadmills. I have yet to see an overweight person doing sprinting. Mind you thats fairly anecdotal but I think the wide range of info being put out now on short(er) duration intense cardio is spot on and may in the future lead to more efficient training regimes all over.

-In another post Rushn you mention not eating before running, staying away from carbs if you have to eat before running, etc. I will say that on an empty stomach it could be hard to go all out. I will also say that starving yourself in the morning puts your body in a screwy metabolic state (see other threads on this and tons of evidence on the net) which in the end is counter intuitive to losing weight. Not to say that the OP or anyone should consume a pound of pasta before going out for a jog.... but that eating early:
1; has benefits metabolism wise
2; has benefits by giving OP energy to push himself through intense workouts of any sort
(I ran Cross Country in high school... if I ate nothing before summer morning practices I would die before the end of the run and my performance would suffer)
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