Thread: Matts Log
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Old 05-10-2007, 11:10 PM
mattnxtc mattnxtc is offline
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Default Re: Matts Log

Past 2 days:

Wednesday: My hardest day of workin out so far. I was feeling all that energetic at the start of my workout. The work week just takes it out of me

10 set 3 reps 40 second rest
1. Barbell bench 7 sets 245lbs 3 sets 235lbs
2. Front Squat 5 sets 185 5 sets 205
3. Pull ups 7 sets 20lb helper 3 sets no help
4. Deadlift 225lbs

12 minute HIIT bike workout at resistance 10

Depending on how I was feeling I was adding weight as I went with the one exception being bench b/c my normal spotter wasnt there. Overall I am lifting more and more each week and I am really pleased with how my pull ups are coming along. That was the longest Ive done HIIT on the bike at that resistance and after doing some sort of cardio everyday I was pleased with that. I am hoping to get up to doing 30 minutes of HIIT cardio pretty soon.

2 minute warmup at 10 minute pace
1 mile in 8:30
30 leg raises touching knees to chest
5 minutes with jumprope
2 minute cooldown run at 9 minute pace.

I wasnt planning on running today but i just felt like I needed to so i went for an easier day. I had to gut out the 8:30 mile as my legs were still pretty tired from yesterdays weight workout. I do need to start keepin track of my calories again just to make sure I am still on track with what I want to be at.
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