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Old 05-10-2007, 09:39 PM
JayTee JayTee is offline
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Default How much of an edge when pushing?

How do you guys determine how much of an edge you need to push? For example:

6.50 6 players remaining, blinds 100/200 you are in 5th with 1300 and are folded to on the button. You have 10.15% equity if you fold and 10.22 if you push, based upon the calling ranges you have come up with. BB has ~5500 and SB ~600 after posting.

I am just wondering what factors I should be taking into consideration when deciding to push.

If this is good enough here would you pass on the same edge at 75/150?

If this edge isn't enough here would you take it at 200/400?

If you fold here would you push in a $27? $60?

I used to think that I should pass on small edges because I am certainly not exact about calling ranges, but am I not equally likely to be wrong in both directions? (meaning that they could be calling looser or tighter than I believe they will)
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