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Old 05-10-2007, 03:36 PM
businessdude businessdude is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 39
Default Touchy work situation

I have a very good paying job - I like the work, like my boss. Recently, there was a seminar I wanted to attend that relates to my field very well. I was somewhat set to go when some finacial freezes took place meaning that I could not expense the seminar trip.

It's not that expensive, and I find myself REALLY annoyed at that whole situation. My boss has tried to get around it, but it's just a beurocratic thing.

I'm trying to not let this issue affect the overall job, but it has really lowered my moral the past couple weeks. I just can't help feeeling it's a slap in the face and they don't value my work enough since other exception to the freeze have been made.

Just looking for advice/comments/different perspectives.
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