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Old 05-10-2007, 01:30 PM
vinyard vinyard is offline
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Default Re: NL Bots on Full Tilt


<font color="blue">@ everyone else:</font> -- here's my contribution to this thread. My first reaction to the post-flop #s is similar to most people's...that degree of conformance seems extraordinarily unlikely if these are 3 different humans. But there IS one more test we might consider running &gt;&gt; Ask yourself this: what's the single most rigid known "system" in modestly wide use today? A: shortstacking! In fact, I shorstacked for around 10K hands myself when first learning the NL game (as a LHE convert). But some people make a damn art out of what we need is for a full-time NL shortstacker to take a large sample of hands (I'd settle for whatever you've got, be it 40K or 200K), and break them into 2 or 3 subsets (how you would do this? there's prob a more elegant way, but u could just start by grouping a couple of months together -- something like Jan+Apr+Jul+Oct vs. Feb+May+Aug+Nov vs. Mar+Jun+Sep+Dec). Then post here with the same stats that have been used to indict NLnut -- I'd like to see whether the sort of rigidity that NLnut claims is achievable with discipline can be approached using the most rigid single "System" known to be used on a modest scale.

[/ QUOTE ] If anybody in this thread is thinking clearly at this point its Teddy. So can a shortstacker post a breakout like this. I am genuinely curious to see the results.
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