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Old 05-10-2007, 09:36 AM
cking cking is offline
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Default Ramblings of a drunk (confederate soldier protesters included) tl;dr

so exactly 1 hour ago i was supposed to be getting picked up to make the 2nd 10hour leg of a roadtrip to new orleans with some friends for the WSOP circuit event there. To make sure the trip was enjoyable as possible i slept until 11pm last night then got wasted all night ready to have a fun roadtrip.

At 6:30 this morning i get an IM from my friend from philly who was to leave at 10pm last night and meet me at 8am this morning in columbia,sc. So here i am wide awake and drunk and hungry. I decide to walk to chick fil a and get some delicious chicken biscuits. My apartment is right across the street from the capital building and the chick fil a is right past there.

So i set off on my journey, the weather is a perfect blue sky and 70 degrees, walking through the courtyard infront of the capital building when i reach the road infront where there is some memorial. Behind said memorial is where they fly the confederate flag, the protest to remove it from the top of the capital building was met with a compromise to just put it on a small flag poll out in front. Now out there infront of the most major road in the capital city of South Carolina is 4 men with long beards dressed like confederate soldiers holding confederate flags. In the middle is a guy holding a sign saying "The south is gods country."

Now normally I would just stagger my drunk ass past them and get my delicious chicken biscuits. But this morning i just couldnt help myself, i had to just stop and say what the [censored]. The following is a rough description of what was said:

Me: So this is god's country?
Them: You bet it is, this is gods chosen land
Me: so what is with the outfits? I think some people might be offended by them.
Them: Why this is just our heritage!
Me: so is lynching and enslaving black people, also its hot out.
Them: (angry) Who's side are you on!? Why are you against your heritage!
Me: Why do you keep saying heritage? I've heard that word more in the past 2mins then i have in the past 2 years! Also do you guys get swamp sack in those things?
Them: ???
Me: you guys fail at life (walks away)

So OOT why do some people suck so much? The weather here is nice, the women are hot but god damn some people are so stupid and narrowminded it hurts.

Now i need to run to the bank to get some cash for the trip here in the next hour or 2 and i will be going right by there. So i'm taking request on things to say to them. Please give me something funny to say to these guys, i assume they will be there all day protesting their pointless lives so lets go for some quality
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