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Old 05-10-2007, 05:52 AM
rwperu34 rwperu34 is offline
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Default Re: smart baseball fans analyze these trades.

How much have you shopped Buehrle? Martinez has to rank very high in this type of league, but you still might be able to do better. If not, I like that deal a lot. On the other deal, you seem to have enough young pitching, so trading Reyes for Iannetta seems like an easy move. The only thing I wonder is if you can do better than Iannetta?

Edited to add: Don't get too caught up in a three year plan. In this type of league, you can put a competitve team on the field next season, or in the season after at the latest. If you start looking too far ahead, you will miss out on a ton of value. That being said, Martinez is doing well in AA, so we could be looking at an outfield patrolling Shea of Martinez, Beltran, and Milledge, as early as next season.
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