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Old 05-08-2007, 10:50 PM
Brokeski Brokeski is offline
Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: California, United states
Posts: 96
Default Re: Lucky You movie review (spoilers)

yeah he doesn't make the life of a degen cool IE WORM from rounders. I mean i would have liked this movie 10000 times more if edward norton was the star. the characters are unlikable as said before. and a side note. did anyone else notice in that 1/2 limit game at the begining against the big black guy that the black guy bet 16 dollars into probably at least a 20 buck, just a guess on the pot size but im going to assume that there was action before hand. And the main character made a mini raise to 32, i mean how could any live 1/2 player fold to that kind of raise, just didnt seem logical to me. And another hand that didnt make sense is when the main guy had a flush draw and drew barrymore said oh you need one more heart for a flush and eveyrone at the table to heard her folded. I mean they KNEW he was on a flush draw why wouldn't anyone bet to try and get him off of it. lawlz
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