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Old 05-08-2007, 09:21 PM
DrewDevil DrewDevil is offline
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Default Re: Bonds Haters: Please post why you hate Bonds

Bonds is the biggest ass hole I've seen in sports since I've been paying attention (around 1978)... except for OJ, Rae Carruth, and the other assorted criminals.

I don't even really care about the steroids all that much. He's just a prick and I don't root for sports athletes whom I know to be pricks.

I'm sure there are some pricks out there who haven't taken as much heat from the media because (a) they aren't hitting 70 home runs in a season and/or (b) they don't openly antagonize the media. That doesn't change the fact that Bonds is still a colossal prick, and I really wish pitchers would just drill him in the ribs instead of letting him break the record.

To the OP, if you weren't an SF, why would you like Bonds? What's likable about him? Pure talent and accomplishments is not enough, not nearly enough, for me and most baseball fans. I don't need my athletes to be saints but I am not going to root for them if I know they are giant dickholes like Bonds is.

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