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Old 05-08-2007, 06:16 PM
Iced Trey Iced Trey is offline
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Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 21
Default So this happened to me at work today (accused of racism)

I work in the music industry and today we had some hard core gangster rappers in our studio in the early stages of making a record. Well one of them decided he wants soul food. These guys were pretty scary looking and i honestly would not be surprised if one of them had a gun. So anyways this is how it went down.

They send me to roscoe's for chicken and waffles and one of them gives me a credit card to pay. I get to roscoe's and go to pay and the guy at the counter gives me a wierd ass look and is like wtf???? I'm like what? He's like there is no way you are Tyrone what are you trying to pull here... I was like oh blah blah explained it was for work etc and he finally was like ok whatever and let me pay.

I get back to the studio and give them their food. As I give Tyrone his card back i crack a joke and say something along the lines of "yea it was pretty funny they gave me a hard time cause I sure as hell don't look like my name is Tyrone" He doesn't laugh. His response is "what are you racist boy? A white boy can't be tyrone?" I say [censored] no I'm sorry... blah blah... Just trying to tell him i was messing around and just thought it was kind of funny. Then I say i mean i guess they guy at roscoe's point is that statistically there aren't very many white people named tyrone. He's like "statistics! i don't want to hear no statistic [censored]. Thats what they say about racial profiling and all other kinds of B.S. What the [censored] you racist?" or something like that.

Anyways I was actually kind of scared i was gonna get attacked. I'm on thin ice cause I ended up getting my job back after This incident and started work at the recording studio owned by the label. Anyways my boss was kind of pissed but he hates those guys and is much cooler than the dudes at the label so i didn't get fired.
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