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Old 05-07-2007, 11:43 PM
ocdscale ocdscale is offline
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Default Re: just received more money than i withdrew. What should i do?


My conscience finally gave in and i called support. I alerted them of the issue at hand and as someone had posted, it didnt seem like they believed me. Basically what i did was inform them that there was a mistake concerning my cashout, but i didnt go into much detail. I also emailed them telling them that their might have been a mistake with the size of the check sent just so i have some doucumented proof prooving i reported this incase they try and pin me for fraud. Most likely their payment team will email me tomorrow and tell me that their was a mistake. So tell me, have i done the right thing here? If there support team still doesnt catch on even after i pointed them in the right direction should i keep the money in good conscience.

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All that your conscience should demand is that you inform them that you suspect there is an error (which you did). It's their job now to find it. If they half ass it, so be it.
(You can't be results orientated, consider that underpayment is also in their range. The times they don't catch this overpayment is balanced by the times they insist on underpayment.)
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