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Old 05-07-2007, 11:40 PM
SirFelixCat SirFelixCat is offline
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Default Re: How to acquire $3k in 3 weeks, legally?

people need to stop offering to poop in a bag for money. it has already been done, it was slightly humorous, and i doubt anyone wants to see it again - if they did, they can search for the appropriate thread. if you are going to offer to do something for money, make it new and inovative.

here's an idea:
Go to your local supermarket. Find two females shopping in the fruit section. You have to be wearing a white t-shirt that reads in Sharpie "It was either this or poop in a bag. BBV4L." Ask one of the females to take a picture of you while the other female helps you to hold up two canteloupes to your chest (as if they were your breasts) and sticking out her tongue as if licking the melon nipples.

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, I'm in for what ($$$) we talking here???
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