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Old 02-24-2006, 04:08 PM
bigfishead bigfishead is offline
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Default Re: When is it time to get up?

Roy Cooke once wrote 4-5 years ago when he has made 3 mistakes it's time for him to leave. He's not playing well so time to go.

The only problem with this is that with NL 1 mistake can cost you your stack. AND you dont even have to make a mistake in NL to lose your stack.

If you feel uncomfortable or threatened in any ways, which you obviously were, it's time to go for sure. You're now placing yourself in a position of playing poorly if you stay.

A while back I was at the Palms. I had blown 2-300 playing video poker and wanted to get some back so off into the poker room I went. The game was very very good. Typical young drinking "move makers" game for the Palms. Well I lost my first $300 on the first hand I played to a real wacko suckout(runner runner or something like that). So I bought for the max $500. I quickly got that pumped up to $1300. I was covered by no less than 3 players. At least 2 of which were known to me, and pretty decent & sober. Now I saw myself trying to "protect" my stack. I began 2nd guessing myself and whenever I did that I mucked. Suddenly I realized there was no way I was going to win thinking that way. So I quickly racked up and left. Feeling good about the win....wanting to still be playing the fishy drunks, but knowing I was holding myself back, so leaving was correct.
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