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Old 05-07-2007, 03:03 PM
JussiUt JussiUt is offline
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Default Re: A few \'scientific\' polls to compare OOT to the rest of the US

This is basically the what im saying duke, and those are your two options. Im personally never giong to be doing any research to find how "everything was made". Im not smart enough, no one on this forum is, so, just in case there is a god, Im going to believe in one, no harm done. I mean, basically all these "atheists" are worshipping a god themselves, they just act condescending about it. There at some point has to be faith that either science can explain the orgins, or faith that there is a god, to me, having faith in god is WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY smarter, I mean look at the consequences, if it turns out the atheists are right, what do you get out of it? You get to whip out your e-penis on a stupid forum and say "look we were right, all you god believers are stupid", and then we have to eat some crow. Big [censored] deal, right?

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This is dangerously sliding into a thread belonging to 'Science, Math & Philosophy'. But I still have to say that you must be leveling me, right? Nobody can believe in God just because it's "safer"? And how are all "atheists" worshipping God itself? I can't understand why it is so hard for people to admit that there are million things that we don't know about this world and why do they have to fill that hole with a bunch of speculation/nonsense/belief/religion whatever you wanna call it. Nobody knows how the universe/time began. Basically it's the same as telling the exact ending point of infinity.

This has to be an American thing because I have never ever bumped into people in Europe in so vast numbers who a) debate whether Evolution is real at all b) have so many misconceptions about atheism.

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Whats the big deal if I believe in god because its "safer"? how does it affect anyone? Im not shoving it down your throat or making you believe? Athesists have a dogma just like any other religion, and you have the same amount of zealots that want to legislate their views on everyone just like religious people do. there is little difference and if you think there is, you are wrong. You have faith in something science can not explain yet, you just assume that there is a "magic" explanation that everything will be solved one day, I fail to see the difference.

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Hmm yeah ok, so you really didn't get anything I said. It's ok. How can I have a dogma, how do I "have faith in something that science can't explain yet"? I don't understand, I have never ever stated anything remotely implying that 'Big Bang' was the beginning of it all or something. You really need to study the concepts like 'faith', 'science' and 'atheism' because I'm pretty sure you 're mixing up some things.

And what comes to your reason for believing in God "because it's safer", it's all cool. You can believe in God for whatever reason. I think it's just very unique to have that reason for believing and I'm quite positive it's not very common. It's just cool to hear that it's something people can do, to have faith in God just to be sure.

EDIT: And again, I'm sorry that this slide into this topic since this definately doesn't belong to OOT.
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