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Old 05-07-2007, 02:27 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Where the citizens kneel 4 sex
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Default Re: Beat: cute girl at video store is totally barking mad + MSPAINT

What!? I just got off the phone with her 3 minutes ago and just now she sent a text saying "Excuse me I missed you"
Anyway, lunch is off for today b/c it was supposed to be after a doctor's appointment she had and between my classes, but she rescheduled her appointment.

Some quotes from our phone conversation "We had a real heart to heart last night. Thank you. It felt good."

"Just so you know, I'm not getting sexually harassed right now, and I don't have a boyfriend, and I live alone. You looked really cute last night"

"Do you have an xbox?"

"Did you eat vegan food lastnight"

NONE of these questions or comments had any context mind you. Her mind is is like the stars RNG or something.

It was all I could do to GTFO the phone with her. "I have another call. I have to go to the math lab" She just kept asking me about my video game consoles, and other such things. Wow.

My new hypothesis is that she has permanent brain damage from doing too much acid.

This is kind of a problem for me, because it's impossible for me to get aroused when she acts this nutty. I'm gonna need some earplugs for me, or a gag for her if this is gonna work out.
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