Thread: social anxiety
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Old 05-07-2007, 01:53 PM
oddjob oddjob is offline
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Default Re: social anxiety

There's nothing wrong with it. I feel the same way in many situations. I'd rather spend time with one friend for a couple of hours then with 6 friends in a loud room.

There is a theory that some people are more sensitive to outside stimuli then others. It causes them to naturally avoid prolonged periods of lots of stimulus. Do you have a tendency to kinda zone out when there are more people around and there is more stimuli for the brain to process? If so, then it could just be that you need more quiet time. There is nothing wrong with it.

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actually, i think when i was younger, i used to zone out a lot, which would probably help me stay out. now i don't do it that much, and i just need that quiet time.

on top of the anxiety and depression, i get sweaty head (hyperhidrosis) when i'm anxious and nervous or just uncomfortable. and then i get anxiety about sweating, which makes things even worse.

the only time i'm completely comforable going out, is when i go out dancing. then i'm kinda in my own zone. i don't get anxiety dancing.
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