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Old 05-07-2007, 08:25 AM
TheEngineer TheEngineer is offline
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Default Re: Fight for Online Gaming!! -- Plan for week of 5/7

"A coalition of major amateur and professional sports leagues is urging members of the House Financial Services Committee to oppose legislation unveiled by Chairman Barney Frank (D-Mass.) that would undo last year’s crackdown on illegal online gambling."

I think we should all write to the NFL, the NBA, and the MLB (especially the NFL) and ask them to at least sit this one out. They really have no business actively working and campaigning against our rights. Remind them that they frequently come to the taxpayers for stadiums and other freebees.

Also, let's write to their advertisers, such as Budweiser. We can tell Anheuser-Busch and Miller Brewing Co. that this prohibition is no more just than the Prohibition of the '20s. The good thing here is that we KNOW advertisers are very sensitive to their customers' opinions, so they'll read these letters. Also, we're their target market. They care more about us than they do about Kyl's crowd, by far.

Sports leagues mobilize against Frank’s gaming bill
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