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Old 05-06-2007, 07:41 PM
ronitonline ronitonline is offline
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Default Re: Full Tilt Poker Mods Table Chips Avatars Etc.

Personally I dont think we need to see the suits all that much, however it makes the cards look pretty nice.
I think you could try one of two things, Bring the letter/# up higher, and bring the suit down.
Maybe I am retarted but the suit somewhat interferes with how easy it is for me to quickly realise what I see.

Or if you wanted to see if anyone likes it, you could just complete remove the suits or have a small indicator at the bottom.
Having a big #/Letter towards the top of the card, then at the bottom having a small club/heart/diamond/spade.

I think the whole double # stuff in the non-holdem versions confused the [censored] out of me too, it didnt make me error or anything but I just couldnt decide which to look at, I usually ended up just looking at the small pip anyways so the big #s did nothing hahaha.
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