Thread: Matts Log
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Old 05-05-2007, 02:33 PM
mattnxtc mattnxtc is offline
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Default Re: Matts Log

Another Day another workout:

Warmup:3 minutes at 7 (roughly 8:30 minute pace)

10 sets 3 reps 40-45 second rest (depends on how long it took for my g/f to do her workout

1. Flat bench dumbbells with 90lbs each hand
2. Front Squats 195lbs
3. Pull ups 20lb help
4. Deadlift 225lbs
5. tricep pull down 160lbs

10 minutes on bike: 1 minute easy, 30 second sprint at resistance 10.

The HIIT has really improved my cardio levels. I found that running at 7 was pretty easy and after 3 minutes I was just starting to feel my heart rate rise. Its pleasing to have an 8:30 mile pace again though its not at the 6 minute it used to be at.

The g/f is going out of town for 2 weeks so I will be able to bust my butt the next few weeks and workout consistantly so Im expecting a 4-5lb drop in weight over these next 2 weeks just from being able to get another workout or 2 in
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