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Old 05-05-2007, 09:04 AM
Johnny Hughes Johnny Hughes is offline
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Default Re: Lucky You movie review (spoilers)

That's too bad. I will probably go see it anyway. It is unfair to portray poker in such a sleazy light when there are skads of twentysomethings sitting on some heavy bankrolls. Look at poker and it's image in relation to Hollywood. There are movies in the works about Stu Ungar and Amarillo Slim. Skeletons and closets propositions going in. Hollywood is just not going to have a likable, successful gambler as the lead character. I have dealt with this poker player and image thing for half a century. It is a lot better now, but to the public, "degenerate" and "gambler" go together like peanut butter and jelly.

In the promos and ads on TV, it shows Pat Callihan, one of the nicest guys in poker. I will probably go see it just to see which real poker players are in it. Robert Duvall plays the old cliche gambler whose kid hates him. How many real poker players do you know whose kids hate them? What other name poker players make cameo appearances? Will it recruit more new poker players like Rounders did?
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