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Old 05-05-2007, 02:08 AM
AJackson AJackson is offline
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Default Re: Full Tilt refuses to pay me my money

There are certainly many negative sterotypes that you can come up with describing lawyers. Illogical isn't one of them. Learning how to think is central to do the job.

The op claims to be a lawyer, but seems lack the logical abilities to perform his job. Rather than look at the situation and come to the conclusion that there is a simple mistake here, the op takes giant leaps of logic and assumes that FT is purposefully trying to steal his money.

Use your brain, OP. How likely is it that a company that earns millions upon millions in profit is going to risk that stealing from you?

Occam's Razor, baby. Learn it, love it. Your life will be much better for the effort.
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