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Old 05-04-2007, 10:38 PM
AssFrister AssFrister is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 158
Default What ping is usable for online poker? Anyone use EGPRS (wireless)?


I live in the middle of nowhere at the moment and currently conect via single channel ISDN. However the throughput is just below what I need, and the call costs are huge for the amount of time im online. (200+ euro per month.)

I have ruled out satellite for now for certain reasons so I was considering wireless. I would not get 3G coverage but should be OK with EGPRS. But from looking around it seems the latency might be 500-800ms on average. Is this going to be too laggy for poker? Anyone know roughly what is a usuable ping?

If this ping is too high for playing, would it be OK just for data mining/observing games? I should imagine the higher ping wouldnt be such a problem there.

With mining and my other net activities my dial up connection is currently up around 12-15 hours a day. If I could do the mining and web browsing on the wireless connection I could cut down the dial up connection to about 6 hours playing time per day. With a 20GB wireless plan for 99euros my costs should end up about the same and probably a little bit less but ill then have the higher bandwidth needed.


Thanks and regards.

EDIT: Im not even sure Im right about the 500-800ms number now. Just seen a message board with people reporting info on their speed tests and they are all saying 1s-2s latency. Anyone have any experience? And still the same questions, will this still be OK even if it is just for mining and browsing, and not playing?
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