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Old 05-04-2007, 08:31 PM
StrictlyStrategy StrictlyStrategy is offline
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Default Re: Mental Toughness

If I'm feeling sick or bad in a good game I just ask myself if I can focus objectively on poker or if I am going to tilt and loosen up and make bad bluffs. I really, really don't like to leave good games but if I'm not playing well, then the game isn't that good. Think about your relative edge.

If I can't focus or if I'm just not caring anymore I rack up pretty quickly(regardless if I win/loose a big pot right before I'm leaving) and usually go to sleep. I wake up feeling sooooooo good and just come back to the game fresh.

WEhat do you mean by "bad losing streak?" 25bb? 50BB? 100BB? 200+?
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