Thread: Matts Log
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Old 05-04-2007, 06:30 PM
mattnxtc mattnxtc is offline
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Default Re: Matts Log

Havent posted in this for a while, but I have made a lot of improvement lately.

May 3, 2007 Workout:

Warmup: 1/2 mile at 8 minute pace

10 sets 3 reps 40 second rest:
1. Incline bench w/ 85lb dumbbells
2. Front Squat 185lbs
3. Pull ups 20lb help
4. Deadlift 215lb

Bicep curls: 5 sets x 5 reps 30 second rest with 40lb dumbells

1 mile cool down at a 6.5 speed

Ive been pretty pleased with my growth for the past few weeks. It seems I am able to add 5% every week to my weights which is the high end of what is recommended. Except for my abs I am really pleased with how my body is changing this fast. I have antoher few weeks of this before I change it up and hit it with some EDT style workouts.

Ill post an EDT workout eventually of what I am considering to get some opinions on it
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