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Old 05-04-2007, 12:51 PM
Cactus Jack Cactus Jack is offline
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Default Re: From today\'s Wall Street Journal

I have a subscription to the online WSJ. Some of the posted responses to the article are hilarious. Here is a sampling:


"The game is clearly luck.

The betting strategy may involve skill if the game involves people around a table where the ability to bluff and read other players should improve the results. Online betting pretty much eliminates this...

There is almost no skill involved

Craig Rodby"

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"There is a trivial amount of skill necessary. You need to know the rules so you don't try for 4 of a kind when you hold a full house.

But once you have all the skill there is you are at the mercy of luck. And the odds are against you. Over time you will loose and the host will win.

Samuel Gravina"

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" I have 4 college degrees, and have played poker for 40 (forty) years.

It is an indisputable fact, that on any given session, the recognized best players in the world will lose...

...Conclusion: Unless you are super-intelligent, and have a CONSIDERABLE amount of money, (or getting lucky in the begining of your gambling career), and decide to devote the rest of your life to gambling.......STAY

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Surely I'm not the only one that wants to throw up. These must be written by the same kind of person who's all day writing letters to Penthouse.
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