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Old 05-04-2007, 12:15 PM
WhoIam WhoIam is offline
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Default Need an innovative way to light a piece of charcoal

I own a very nice hookah but obviously didn't bring it with me to Thailand. I miss smoking it so bought a cheap hookah here for about $30. After considerable effort, I managed to find some mint tobacco for it. The problem is I can't get self-lighting charcoals like you would find in the US, at least not where I am. The guy I bought the tobacco from gave me some of the natural charcoals they use at the place, they're basically partially burned wood.

I need to get these these things glowing red hot so I can smoke my hookah. Holding a piece over a candle flame will result in the very tip of it glowing red, but the rest remains cool. Soaking it in lighter fluid and igniting it does nothing (?!) Microwaving the charcoal until it caught fire showed promise but the roommate vetoed that idea. WTF do I do here? Would the flame from one of those torch lighters be enough? I don't have an oven or stove to work with.
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