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Old 05-03-2007, 06:51 AM
El_Hombre_Grande El_Hombre_Grande is offline
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Default 1/2/2 NL structure -- to steal or not to steal?

A local casino is spreading a NL 200 game with two $2 blinds and $1 on the button. I've only played it once, and the players are/were very passive and typical loose. At first glance, I thought that stealing the blinds would be more worthwhile than a typical game, but realistically, to have a greater than 50% of stealing them without a flop, I would estimate your bet would need to be 8 or 9X BB, which to me seems to be a disproportionate risk to reward ratio.

My next battle plan was to play the way I generally play live 1/2 or 2/4 with loose passives who will call big bets -- relatively passive preflop, big raises for big hands, mini raises for pocket pairs to "brew" a pot pre flop, limping along with implied odds hands until I have the goods, betting the goods, getting called, rarely bluffing and waiting for them to make big mistakes, rather than forcing the action more.

Does the extra BB change preflop theory considerably? should I be stealing here?
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