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Old 05-02-2007, 11:54 AM
Blarg Blarg is offline
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Default Re: \"You\'re Freaking Crazy\"

Your wife is being more reflexive than analytic. Common regarding anything related to kids.

I remember a friend of mine said nobody should say Gosh, because it was short for God, or Gee, because it was short for Jesus. I mean, Andy Hardy and Smurfs say those words already! This kind of thing can be taken too far.

Curse words exist. I agree with not saying them around kids. But pretending they don't exist is just pointless. Better to deal with them. Your example of "darn" is a good enough example.

What next, we can't say OW! because it's short for OH MY F*CKING GOD THIS SH*T HURTS LIKE A MOTHERF*CKER!!!?
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