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Old 05-02-2007, 07:07 AM
britspin britspin is offline
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Default Re: What makes someone Upper rather than Middle class?

The true upper class is going to look down on the latest goober from Amazing Race.

The upper class isn't out there flaunting their new Bentley on 22's. Neither fame nor money make you upper class. It's a way of life and a style of thinking that you grow up with and it's very difficult to change.

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QFT. It's difficult to become upper class if you are nouveau riche. You won't be accepted because you aren't from old money, and your only chance is probably if you are a woman intent on marrying "up".

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Is it possible to QFT a QFT?

I'm reminded of a comment about Michael Heseltine, who was a very wealthy Conservative politician. A Tory grandee once insultingly described him as "the kind of man who bought his own furniture", (as opposed to inheriting it, natch).

This attitude is also part of the stories around why Prince William dumped his girfriend. Her parents are nouveau, and her mother allegedly used the word "toilet" and chewed gum at social events. Both are signs you're not upper class.
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