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Old 05-01-2007, 09:32 PM
MrWookie MrWookie is offline
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Default Re: TV: What are you watching? 4/29

Dancing with Wookie 5/1/2007

First off, I'm going to catch up with last night's dances my DVR missed.

Apolo's mambo was great. His rhythm and performance are outstanding. He looks like he's having fun, and his quality of movement is great. The proper mambo steps were a little on the simple side, even if the tricks and musicality were good. He got wrecked and cheated by the judges. Turning out his toes? This is the first time anyone has mentioned that. I nitpick on the things NO ONE notices, and I didn't even catch that. I could deal with him getting a 29 here, but the 28 was robbery.

Ian's mambo was good for him. His shoulders are still creeping forward, and his footwork was kinda plodding and stompy. His performance was improved, but I still think the 27 he got was a little generous. I was thinking 26.

BRC seemed to be the opposite of Apolo. His dance was a trainwreck, but he got coddled by the judges. His rhythm was poor, posture bad, and he wasn't dancing all that much. I've been pulling for BRC to get an 8, but this wasn't it. I think the 21 was overly generous, on a par with the generous of the first couple weeks.

I thought jive would be a pretty good dance with Joey. It's a dance that will really let his goofiness shine. I was right. His attitude suited this performance perfectly. I was also really impressed with the accuracy of his rhythm. Len's NSync pun was a groaner, but it was true. Some of his steps were a looked a little more like lindy than jive (there's a big difference), but still, a great job. Did I like this better than Apolo? Yeah, I think I did a little. I still think Apolo's samba was the best dance so far this season, but Joey deserved a 30 here.

All in all, I think I am going to cry rigged for Apolo. He has been much better than Ian, and every dance of his tonight looked better than Ian's. The fact that they're tied is a travishamockery. Let's see what happens for the eliminations.
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