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Old 04-30-2007, 04:39 PM
hmkpoker hmkpoker is offline
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Default Re: ACers; personal preferences

Do/did you smoke pot? Used to smoke it a lot. Now, only very seldomly and only for special events/experiences. Pot is more destructive than most of its advocates make it out to be, it's just that the destruction is very, very subtle. You don't get sick or hungover, you just become a bit relaxed and lazy due to the lowered testosterone levels. This, combined with the high availability and safety of the substance makes it very appealing to do it frequently. Over time, though, it helps cultivate a very unmotivated mental paradigm that is far too content with things; it's good for a while, but it can lead you toward a lower quality of life, and make it harder to move up.

Still, it's a LOT safer than alcohol. Used occasionaly it's pretty harmless.

Do you own guns? I recently moved states. As soon as I get my driver's license changed, I'm applying for a handgun purchaser's permit ASAP.

If you had an accidental pregnancy, would you be OK with abortion? I'd push the bitch down a flight of stairs belly first if she didn't.

Do you give a lot to charity? Practically nothing. I'm a bit pinched financially at the moment, but honestly I'm not terribly impressed with most charities and non-profit organizations. After having viewed some budgets of local NPO's when I worked paralegal, I was pretty disgusted by how much is getting sucked up in administration fees (non-profit my ass). Personally I think business does far more for the betterment of humanity than charity ever will.

If your son was gay, how would you feel about that? I'd give him a high five. Now I don't have to worry about poorly planned grandkids.
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