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Old 04-30-2007, 04:06 PM
Skallagrim Skallagrim is offline
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Default Re: \"something that\'s already universally accepted \" ????

Let me put it this way flafishy:

Where is the move to stop people from betting money on their golf game, or their tennis game, or a game of chess?

The masses see these contests as contests of skill and impliedly understand that it is silly to play them for money if you are not one of the skilled. So betting on these games does not seem scary to them. They realize that these games are different from slots where every poor fool is encouraged to take their chance and many do to their detriment.

If the masses were to see poker as more like golf than slots they would have just as little concern about the fact that we play it for money.

IMHO this argument has a lot more chance of succeeeding in my lifetime than convincing the masses that governemnt should not be inovlved in your private life ... government is all over everyone's private life all the f---ing time and I have yet to see massive demonstrations against this unless the activity in question is seen as not harmful (like gay rights).

I have over the years been active in the drug law reform movement...the only time that movement achieved anything was when a handful of states realized marijuana was not that harmful and decriminalized. And thats been after almost 30 years of effort.

You have to argue what works: "poker is skill like golf" will work faster than "poker is none of the state's business."

I wish it were not so, but it is.

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