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Old 04-30-2007, 01:16 AM
Phil153 Phil153 is offline
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Default Re: Nobel Laureate Shot by Israeli Soldier (rubber bullet)

I should add that I fully support Israel's right to exist, and defend against terrorism, and I'm sure you do too. I would go to war to defend Israel if it came to that.

And Israel has had the moral high ground for a long time. They were and have been (40-60 years ago) ruthlessly attacked by Arabs, fighting a war for their very existence. But that "moral high ground" is two generations old.

Their recent actions tell a different story. In addition to the things mentioned above, they performed a massive cluster bombing of Lebanon's civilian areas in 2006 as the war was winding up - leaving over (I kid you not - see the link above) 100,000 unexploded bombs lying in Lebanon's civilian areas. These actions are nothing short of state sponsored terrorism (according to almost every definition) and I'm saddened that thoughtful men like Mason don't speak out against it.
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