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Old 04-29-2007, 09:19 PM
WelshChip WelshChip is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Posts: 358

Cryptologic network have "ROBBED" 36 players out of potential $54K prize pool !!

Date 29th April 11o'clock start. $25+2 entry. "5K Guranteed SUN (ID4640161)" this had an advertised prize pool of $54K.

Everyone could see that this was not the correct prize pool, yet this enticed myself and others to enter this tounament. After 2hours 48mins, and down to 36 players (30 place pay out structure) a message comes up on the four remaining tables "Tournamnet Paused By Poker Room Manager" , everyone thinks, whats going on here then. " " Everyone starts to kick off, and over half an hour later the argument is going on. with the Poker Manager refusing to continue the tournamnet and instead we told, not offered, " "

Arguments are till on going.

What are your views ? Can they do this ? Should they do this ?

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