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Old 04-28-2007, 10:59 AM
Dondoh Dondoh is offline
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 47
Default Re: What is the PPA REALLY doing?

You must have a lobbying group putting your case to the right people and seeing that your views make it into the media.
In Hollywood you have to have a press agent. But the public thinks that when it picks up People Magazine that it just so happens that Drew Barrymore really must be the Sexiest Human Alive. But that is precisely what press agents are for. You have to be acceptably attractive in the first place, but is there anyone in the world who thinks Barrymore is THE best looking person in the world? You need a press agent to work that kind of magic.
And in politics, lobbyists perform a similar function.
What they do may be mysterious, but look at the results so far.
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