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Old 04-27-2007, 07:17 PM
mbillie1 mbillie1 is offline
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Default Re: Cops shoot kid in face, burn down house, wtf?

Im sure they didnt intentionally burn the house down, did they? was it the kid who started the fire or the cops?

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I'm sure it wasn't intentional also, supposedly it wasn't intentionally started at all but was an accident... we'll see what comes out in the next few hours, I guess. I would imagine that someone probably shot a gas stove or something? Still, it just looks really bad (and is really bad honestly) for the preparedness of the NYS police... 1 guy holed up in a house turns into 2 shot cops, 1 who dies and a house burned to the ground. It's incredibly strange and really sad for the cop who died. The cop who died apparently was also on the hunt for Ralph "Bucky" Phillips last year and that manhunt resulted in 2 state police officers dying as well. This kinda thing doesn't usually happen around here, it's strange and awful that 2 criminals killed 3 cops and wounded a few others... more training/armor/something needs to happen so these guys stop dying.
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