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Old 04-27-2007, 04:49 PM
scott2130 scott2130 is offline
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Default Re: Hot Seat = Variance?

Ok, so it is agreed that it is just variance and I understand that it is impossible to know when the variance will change, good or bad, but why is it so taboo to change seats? If you only have a few hours and because of the slow nature of live play, you only get 40 hph, why not change seats?

I have heard the arguments that you will change your play or tilt, but not always. If you have been looking at 72o for an hour and just folding, there is no tilt.

IMO, if used sparingly and not just to chase the cards, changing seats is not always wrong.

BJ players will play more or less hands to mix up the order of the cards in the middle of a deck or shoe, why not apply the same logic to poker and switch seats? Other then the temptation to move to often, just like playing to many hands, I don't know why this wouldn't work.
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