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Old 04-27-2007, 09:51 AM
Stark Stark is offline
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 53
Default Credit Card Late Fee

I was just charged a $39.00 late fee plus finance charges of $6.00 for posting my payment one day late (ended up being 4 days late because I posted on a Saturday). I think this is outrageous and was wondering if anyone has experience with late fees on credit cards and if you can call and complain and have it removed? And when I call, was wondering what I should say?

I have had the card for 8 months now and haven't missed a payment except one other time only because it was their fault and they didn't send me a bill; I was charged for that but called and they refunded the fee which again was their fault and they told me to call on the statement that they finally sent me.

I have 4 credit cards and this one has an earlier pay period than the other ones; I pay this one anywhere between the 10th and 15th of the month and my other cards are generally always near the 26th of the month. That's about the only reason why I paid this one late other than I just plain forgot
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