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Old 04-25-2007, 10:39 PM
trapsetter trapsetter is offline
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Default Re: Summer Decision What Are Your Thoughts?

If your main goal is to maximize your bottom line, i'd live with your parents, assuming you have at least a stable, civil relationship with them. Suck it up for a few months. You will have no overhead and can put everything in your pocket that you make.

if you move out to LA with your friends, even if you get a job that nets you say 150% what you would make at a job living with your parents, you'll still come out way behind because you'll be paying for that LA nightlife with your friends. That will be fun, but you'll end up with less in your pocket.

I see no point in the first option.

Swallow your pride and live with your parents for the summer if you need the money as badly as you seem to.
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