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Old 04-25-2007, 10:11 PM
jimmytrick jimmytrick is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 412
Default Re: What makes the US Govt trustworthy?

Have not read the thread, sorry. The US Govt is more trustworthy than some other types because of term limits. Political power is always up for grabs. The more energy would be tyrants have to expend to get power the less energy they have to abuse it...and us.

That being said, damn if they don't find the time anyway.

Still another factor is the existence of free (somewhat)speech. The press acts to lessen the abuse of power. I can trust the US government to fear the press and in that I have a hell of a lot more confidence than ever I could individual politicians.

Most of the abuses of government have to be sold to the press first and then to the public. Which is why everyone should automatically oppose every point of political correctness. Bad to smoke, maybe, and maybe you deplore it and never have. But the only intelligent thing to do is head straight for the restaurants when smoking is newly prohibited and light up a cigar because that action, regardless of its consequences to you, protects individual freedoms in this country.

The more we conform to what our government wants, the less we can trust it.
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