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Old 04-25-2007, 09:18 PM
resboard resboard is offline
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Default Re: Where does TV poker coveage ad money go?

Casino's run tourney's regardless of WPT/WSOP. The money to run it comes from the vig. WPT/WSOP still charges the vig. Whatever money comes from TV is above and beyond.

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Every casino in Atantic City has tournamnets daily. The don't draw crowds or get filmed or make television, do you want to know why? Because the casino doesn't draw much for regular tournaments.

WSOP and WPT are on the owners dime not the casino.

Nice work if you can swing it I suppose..start filming something that was already occurring and rake in the profit and give nothing back to the community that's making you the money.

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WSOP was the first structure to determine a champion.
Give nothingback to the community? Well think about it if it wasn't for them filming and putting it on TV the game would not be popular at all. you would not be able to log onto so many sites and play, and there would not be so many card rooms full of people.

Say it cost $1million to produce a TV episode of WSOP. IF ESPN buys it from WSOP for $5 they get a $4 million profit and you want them to contribute some to the pot. Well what happens when ESPN says "ah we don't want that episode" and WSOP loses money. Should the tourney players pay extra money to WSOP to help them out?
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