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Old 04-25-2007, 07:33 PM
thing85 thing85 is offline
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Default Re: 6 Left - Who Is Your Horse?

Most of my profit is unrealized. I'm set up right now where, if I let it all ride, I'll have a decent profit if Melinda, Jordin, or Blake wins. Actually, if Blake wins, I'll probably break even since I liquidated much of that position at a small loss.

I need to keep some Jordin to hedge the over 24 bet at Bodog. I kept hitting that for the max every time the line moved, so there's some exposure there if Jordin runs away with this. I also have several straight wagers on Melinda that I can't do anything with (besides hedge).

I'm fairly risk-averse, so I'm likely to maintain my positions such that I'll earn a modest profit regardless of who wins (of the front runners right now) rather than go heavy on a particular contestant and risk only winning a small profit or breaking even.
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