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Old 04-25-2007, 06:29 PM
macdaddy991 macdaddy991 is offline
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Default Summer Decision What Are Your Thoughts?

In a very short period of time, I lost my job and totaled my car. The semester is coming to an end and I need to figure out what I am going to do for the summer. I need to get a job that will pay for my expenses and another car.

My options:

Stay in this town and find a job. I will most likely be looking at about ten dollars an hour if I am lucky. I will also have to buy a car since the town has no public transportation. (FU rural Virginia)

Upside: Stay where I am at. Find a job and keep expenses down.

Downside: I would have to work almost 100 hours to pay all my bills for the month. This town is also very boring.

Go live with my parents for the summer. Again, I will need a car, but I will most likely be able to get my parents to take me too and from work)

Upside: Live free with my parents and possibly get a decent paying job.

Downside: The thought of living with my parents at the age of 24, coupled with the fact that all my friends that I still talk to that I grew up with have moved away.

Go to Los Angeles. I have friends out there with whom I could stay. My friend also works at a good restaurant out there where he can get me a job.

Upside: Bus transportation right near the house. This would mean I do not need to get a car, and can save for one.

Downside: It will cost me about 500$ above my normal expenses to live there.

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