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Old 04-25-2007, 06:08 PM
bkholdem bkholdem is offline
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Default What makes the US Govt trustworthy?

As some of you may know I converted to ACism not to long after coming to the politics forum and reading the posts and arguments of the prominent AC posters here. I did not trust the government then and I do not trust the government now.

As I have been expressing in the drug prohibition thread I recently started, this is an example of creating and carrying out a war on it's own people (under the guise of 'helping them').

I periodically read posts like "why don't you love it or leave it", etc.

What I want to know is why do you trust the US government? Why should I trust the US government? And please do not use ancient history, I want to know why government as it exists is trustworthy. I am curious if people can come up with convincing reasons.
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