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Old 04-25-2007, 11:10 AM
KotOD KotOD is offline
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Default Re: The official PAYTRU thread

Does Paytru work on any other sites?

Yes and no. The ecard will not work elsewhere:

Thank you for contacting us here at PayTru. We apologize that your transactions to xxxx are being declined. However, your PayTru card is a pre-paid Visa debit card and can not be used for gaming transactions. Your card can be used at the merchant site in which you set up your PayTru account, at PLUS atms, for Point of Sales transactions and any ATM where Visa is accepted.

PayTru Customer Service

However, since this email was sent, users have confirmed that they can use the Paytru Visa on other sites including Full Tilt and UB, but you MUST have physical possession of the card in order to have the correct CVV code.
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