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Old 04-25-2007, 10:35 AM
Hoi Polloi Hoi Polloi is offline
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Default Re: More Pat Tillman

Better to let your family think you died a hero.

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It is not for you or the Army to say what is best for anyone's family. That is b*llsh*t of the highest order.

The Army lied to try to bolster the war effort. No suprise. Been going on for hundreds of years.

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Just because it has gone on, and I think this level of event creation (especially the Lynch story) is unprecented, does not mean it should be condoned. Democracies don't function when the routine manipulation of the electorate becomes accepted and expected.

They just didn't have a hundred newsmen to dig it up in the past.

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One of the great shames of these episodes is how the American media enthusiastically went along with the propaganda. The story has come out for 3 reasons: 1) UK press was not drinking the Kool-Aid; 2) Tillman/Lynch have worked hard to set the record straight; and 3) voters turned the Congress over to the Dems and now Congress is once again doing its job and providing the people oversight of the executive and military. Don't make the mistake of thinking our media are functioning watchdogs of our freedoms and our democracy. They have become the lapdogs of the powerful.
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