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Old 04-24-2007, 08:48 PM
donkeylove donkeylove is offline
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Default Re: More Pat Tillman

I understand his family's grief, but the whole story is being co-opted by the antiwar movement to say the war wasn't neccessary. What's the difference how he died? He believed in the effort, and if the family didn't realize perception and propaganda are part of war, then they are naive. Tillman was definitely marketed, but you either believe in the effort, and win at all costs, including controlling the media or you don't. Tillman believed in the war and I don't think he would care about how the Army reported it. Better to let your family think you died a hero. I am against the war, but his family making a big deal of this seems sily to me. The Army lied to try to bolster the war effort. No suprise. Been going on for hundreds of years. They just didn't have a hundred newsmen to dig it up in the past.
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