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Old 04-24-2007, 07:45 PM
XXXNoahXXX XXXNoahXXX is offline
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Default Re: things you experienced that still make you cringe

When I was in high school, I was on the top of the Eiffel tower with my European History AP class on a school trip. Some of the kids in the class decided to be as American and annoying as possible and amidst all of these couples whispering romantically, they decide to strip off their t-shirts and pose for a picture. There they stood bare chested and flexing, all eight of them. They had each handed their cameras to another, so they held this pose for 30 seconds while each camera flashed. They then began chanting "USA! USA!".

I even cringed now, just writing this.

Then, just moments later, I walk over to the other side and try to take a picture of the beautiful city we are overlooking. I look straight down and see crowds of thousands walking below, small as ants. The bars are fairly close together, and it is making it difficult for me to get off a good shot, so I reach my arm through the bars to snap off a picture. As I line up my shot and press the button, the camera shifts in the wind, and falls from my right hand. I immediately ducked down while simultaneously thrusting my left hand out at full speed. My left hand shoots perfectly through the bars and I grasp the top half of the camera and pull it in before it falls into the crowd many stories below.

Thinking about what would have happened if the camera fell still makes me cringe.
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