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Old 04-24-2007, 12:13 PM
pvn pvn is offline
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Default Re: More guns the way to go? Some thoughs.

20 year old punk vs. 80 year old lady. You're the 80-year-old lady, minding her own business. Which situation is better in your book:

1) you both have clubs

2) you both have guns

[/ QUOTE ]

You are a third party to this transaction that you didn't agree to participate in. Which situation is better for you:

1) Bullets flying
2) No bullets flying

[/ QUOTE ]

Of course, if both have guns, the likelyhood of an actual confrontation is greatly reduced.

If you make a decision to use force to prevent people from trading items, the old lady is a third party to the transaction that didn't agree to participate in it. Which is better for her:

1) access to resources
2) no access to resources

Your roll.
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